Sunday, October 14, 2007

Get your sordid sock puppets here

So I checked out a link on you-tube. It was tres funny (spanks Lost one)... and there's a link to a documentary on sock puppet porn.

Go on, link to it, I just dare ya, if you don't at least smirk then I don't know you!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Word of the day/week/month

Who can refute such a wonderful word. Not quite as offensive as asshole, but meant with even more venom in the right tone of voice.
It's said rather a lot round my place of work now, teehee.On a less cheery note (and this weeks non-blogging excuse) I have a feral upper respiramatory infection (yes boys the lungs and behind the cleavarage for lack of better terms) causing the charming hawking up of less than pleasant things that I only WISH resembled furballs. Some days it does attribute a seximified huskiness to the voice (though when the boss says you sound sexy and he likes it, tis a tad disturbing), but for the most part it just denies me the opportunity to chalk up a free drink here and there, without the bonus of not going to work! Pooh. The insomnia I could also do without. ... bloody clowns.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Happiness is...

Undisturbed shells on Dolphin Sands beach (Tassie East Coast).. undisturbed til we collected some momento's anyways
Puppydogs forgetting it's been a while since they were puppies.
(Monte doing his patented shake rattle and roll)
Sand crusted Spaniel anyone?

Sammy "throw the damn ball back into the freezing water" the wonderdog

What the hell are you doing out in the frost at 6am.
Of COURSE I needed company to take frosty photo's.

Frost crusted plants (please note frostiness was some time ago, NOT current, tho it's cold enough to snow to 5oo metres again, dammit, my tan is fadinggggggg)