OK so I've had what I consider a hard week. It started when
this happened.
I kinda sauntered in the door to work, as one does only to be cornered by rampant (numerous) staff members determined to bring me up to date.
I was a little shell shocked. As per usual it couldn't have hit the fan on a worse day. We had functions in every room, a nearly full hotel, and extra staff called in to try to keep things running as OK as is possible.
Then I worked out just who they were talking about and the shock factor kinda increased.
The night before I'd been merrily minding my own business when this bubbly woman bounds up chasing info on the night spots about town. I pointer her in (what I considered) the right direction, which is where she was headed anyways. Just dressed in the casual/conservative/comfy in my own skin kinda style. Determined that having fun was coming second, work was just an inconvenience that would be managed as well as possible in the state she may end up in. She even had plans for the next night all worked out.
As she trotted out that door, carefree and determine to have fun I thought nothing more about it, just got on with the daily grind.
Til I got to work the next day and remembered. I was a little slack jawed and wide eyed for a few minutes, then a little guilty.... did I send her out into that? Then the next thought process is jeebus, we send hundreds of people on their ways to nights out, it really just is a bad pick of the litter.
So I'm working away quietly, forensics and police coming and going (always a good look) and just check who else was up there that night, did anyone hear anything. Five coppers (one in the room immediately next door), 8 defence force guys.... jeebus jeebus jeebus, talk about bizarro world None of them were any the wiser.
My night auditor rang in (having just seen the news), I'm naming her Wednesday coz she really does remind me of her some nights. Tried to tell her just a little to settle her down. Complete opposite effect. The duty manager tries to call her only to be told to fuck off by her fiance. Firefighter (the casual night auditor) has been fighting fires all day after coming off night shift, he's in no state to work. All eyes fell on me. Fuck.... another graveyard, but this time a split shift ending in a graveyard. Double fuck.
I quietly slunk away to the bar at 7pm (having started at 3pm) figuring work owed me a quiet one. One of the spanish crew offered to buy me a drink ... awwww, so sweet, but I figured I had to be sober by 11pm when I was coming back on shift so sadly refused (and dammit they sent him home the next day and I never saw him again for the promised drink or dance).
I hooned up to the service station, pick up some highly caffeinated beverages and slunk back to the hotel and up to the room my exboss and I had macabrely selected directly below the one where all the action was last night. Called the boys downstairs and demanded free steak (which I actually got) and curled up in a bed with no hope whatsoever of falling asleep. Flicking thru the channels I found a Nicholas Cage movie "the Weatherman" paid no attention to it but still didn't sleep. It ended, flick flick flick onto SBS and these words appeared in subtitle fashion "just stick a heated banana in your fanny and let him do you up the ass". What the HELL is going on in this world. I swear I wasn't hallucinating. After 2 curious minutes I lost interest and a movie was on with Matthew McConaughey in it, hubba hubba, no sleep for me!!
Back down to work at 11pm. Thankfully a farily quiet night, tho in the state of the tired it was quiet hard enough.
At 5.30am my boss texts me to say she's coming in early so I don't get dead driving home... and the offer stands that if I need a nanna nap the room upstairs is still mine. I want my bed, I want my man, I want my dog to keep me warm. To sleep around 9am and MUCH to my disgust bolt awake by 12, tho still feeling, looking most zombie like. Dragged my butt into the shower, off to the gym, then down to the olds for dinner (didn't feel like sitting around alone much). Had a few quiet drinks with dinner, then decided to crack the magnum of Cab Sauv in the car. That was the end of both Dad & I. Passed out around 11pm only to wake at 5.30am with screaming howls of wind. Crap (sleep total now 9.5 hours in 2 days). Toddled around a bit for the day, home, shower etc then remember tonight's the night work was putting on drinks for the spanish crew. I had promised a couple of the guys I'd be there. I'm not one to re-neg (thought the thought of alcohol was not particularly tempting).
Slapped on some acceptable girlie clothing (rather than boxy uniform type stuff) and toddled off to the bar at work. A couple of quiet ones with work and the adorable spaniards (some of these guys have been there since August 1) and escaped to drop the boss home to her place. One more quiet one with her and her hubby. My cousin (who I inexplicably haven't seen in months) texts me and says his brother's over and why don't I come have a couple of drinks and watch the football. I figure I can ignore the football but company... yeah.
5.30am I'm in a reasonably drunken red wine/vodka/port/jagermeister induced haze. My cousin Camel has turned very 'rock out with my cock out' Utterly unneccesary when you consider we're all related... some things you just don't want to see/know about family.
I finally pass out... for 4 hours... god DAMN it my body hates me (total sleep now 14.5 hours in 3 days). Haven't been home for days.
Stagger home, shower, deep breaths, shuffle on the work gear. Forgot the spaniards had invited us to visit their ship at 1pm. At work that afternoon and the captain asks what happened. I hang head in shame and admit I had too long a night to be there. An hour later the chef bounds up and says 'you no on ship today' Duh. 'You come tomorrow, you come with Care Bear & Spanner, I make you lunch'. Woohoo, free lunch (and knowing these guys free booze ..... the kidney moans like the defeated organ it is).
Home that night, crashed and slept... at last.. until rudely awakened by the alarm.
This time we DID make it onto the boat. The grand tour and all. Crawling all over the bridge, through the kitchen, hanging out the gangway holes without gangways. Delicious food AND some photo's. Due to pouring rain I couldn't get a decent one of the outside but
Incat did and they built it.
Will upload my pics (maybe) when I have a few more minutes.
Then on to work last night. Kinda nice when everyone who goes past stops for a smooch on each cheek on their way upstairs. Kinda sad when you realise that's the last you'll see of them (but glad my man's not a furry face, I think I got beard rash while workinig.... classy much).
So anyways, that's where the hell I've been.
As for the sexcapades... SexBomb the lazy tart won't write it herself (I have begged btw). Basically he's a man, without a clue, mixed messages fucking galore. One minute all touchy feely, the next just an instructor. Get a CLUE travoltage, either you want in (and why wouldn't you) or you don't. It's simple you wanker.
Rant ends here
PS the murder rumours are rife
- It was something Michael Hutchence style
- He was mentally unwell and off his meds
- The reason it's a murder charge is he's been fantasising about it
I just want to know what comes out in the trial, that should close it off properly. Just need to know what happened to her, my heart goes out to her friends and family.