Just Stuff
We just did girly stuff. Out for lunch to the old cannery and a poke around, stopped in on the folks to try to pass on some gear for dad to get all 'pimp & prostituted' up in 2 weeks time (yes of course he's going as a pro, he's just not the pimping type).
Slinking off to the pub to make poor Skaed work even harder than usual (the one bonus of knowing the bar staff is the vodka's they pour knock ur panties off in one fell swoop) and listening to the bluesy band on a Sunday arvo/night.
Buggering off to the Cadbury factory (me having lived here about half my life but had never been there). Apparently we were about 3 months late, you can no longer take free samples as you travel through the factory (boo, hiss) but you do get 5 samples at the start or end and a box of Favourites on the way out.
Then sitting nearly motionless in the sun outside Mezethes in Salamanca Square, scoffing Saganaki, sipping Sparkling wine with lunch (only to be sprung by bloody relatives while being a lady of leisure.... well he was there having lunch tooooo).
And the sad part of sending Sexbomb back to the boring old town of Melbourne. Lucky we'll be there with her again by the 11th of November, so all is well.
The insurance assessor dude called yesterday about the car... $8,000 (I believe I choked and said Jeebus at the same moment, thank god I'm not paying).
Also chatted up a dear friend of mine who bashes panels for a living.... at least another week if not more til I get my freedom back!
Bah.... time to go let the Smiling Assassin torture me! Cop Ya