Monday, October 16, 2006

Just Stuff

Well, the drunken blogging didn't happen. Not due to lack of drunkenness (on my behalf anyways, that black vodka does the job as good as any purely clear vodka).

We just did girly stuff. Out for lunch to the old cannery and a poke around, stopped in on the folks to try to pass on some gear for dad to get all 'pimp & prostituted' up in 2 weeks time (yes of course he's going as a pro, he's just not the pimping type).

Slinking off to the pub to make poor Skaed work even harder than usual (the one bonus of knowing the bar staff is the vodka's they pour knock ur panties off in one fell swoop) and listening to the bluesy band on a Sunday arvo/night.

Buggering off to the Cadbury factory (me having lived here about half my life but had never been there). Apparently we were about 3 months late, you can no longer take free samples as you travel through the factory (boo, hiss) but you do get 5 samples at the start or end and a box of Favourites on the way out.

Then sitting nearly motionless in the sun outside Mezethes in Salamanca Square, scoffing Saganaki, sipping Sparkling wine with lunch (only to be sprung by bloody relatives while being a lady of leisure.... well he was there having lunch tooooo).

And the sad part of sending Sexbomb back to the boring old town of Melbourne. Lucky we'll be there with her again by the 11th of November, so all is well.

The insurance assessor dude called yesterday about the car... $8,000 (I believe I choked and said Jeebus at the same moment, thank god I'm not paying).

Also chatted up a dear friend of mine who bashes panels for a living.... at least another week if not more til I get my freedom back!

Bah.... time to go let the Smiling Assassin torture me! Cop Ya

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Disclaimer effective until Monday afternoon. Posts most likely will contain swearing, cussing, social commentary of the dissident drunken idiot kind, perversions, kinkiness, stupidity and general states brought about by the consumption of the Black Vodka I made a spontaneous purchase of this afternoon (or the case and a half of red stashed in the pantry), coupled with the company of the SexBomb herfineself!

So yeah, good stuff to come (if we're able to type anything that makes sense).

How is this different to normal? I hear you ask.

This time I have someone to blame!!!!


Thursday, October 12, 2006

fire, fire, burning bright

NOT something I like to see. I have a healthy respect/fear (combined with fascination) with fire.

Arriving at work and being told it could take you 2-3 hours to drag your sorry ass home that night is not pleasant.

10 bushfires yesterday (and most likely continuing to burn today, hopefully more controlled) in the greater Hobart area.

Seeing the sun like this is just eerie. Haven't heard about any lost houses yet, mostly sheds, fences, and poor wildlife I'm sure.

We cleared 34 degrees yesterday, talk about obscene. Just to make matters even better the air-con at work had a heart attack at the heat and could only cool us down to 30 or so (lovely when you're working in a long sleeve shirt and for about 30 seconds a jacket).

Highways were chaotic/closed. The poor guys who run the airport shuttle service only got people to flights on time (as highway closure was between city and airport) because the flight crew were late as well.

Fingers crossed things are a little less nuts today.

It was spooky last night driving home and seeing this on the road, felt like it was within touching distance....

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Why going to work some days just isn't worthwhile

And lo and behold Blogger has decided that one photo is enough. Stupid blogger, I can't even up load my Porker picture.
Oh and by the way yes I'm OK, the car's in hospital, she had to go in the car ambulance (that wheel was on a quite absurd angle). Don't know (or particularly care) what condition my near neighbour's car is in.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Modem go Crunch

Taa to all for comments, would answer them but trying to sneak this one in while at work.

Skaed had an oops.

Jumped up in the study to answer the phone. Boot + Modem+ Wall=no internet for me at the moment. They crunch into tiny pieces.

You'll be glad to know I haven't killed any random animals, or people, have been mainly sober and going to gym/eating properly (yeah yeah piss boring I know).

Know I had something hilarious to tell but will settle for:
  • Met Mr Hardman today (a guest.....god the things I wanted to say.... could NOT keep a straight face)
  • SexBomb has proven she's a drunken skank (multiple drunken forgotten phone calls last night, forgotten wallet, trying to vomit in bins on the way to work, you name it, she probably did it and is denying it)
  • there's something I can't remember... maybe that was in a Vodka fuddled brain cell that popped....

Anyhoo, that's why I'm very shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Cop ya when I get the patience to reconfig the old modem (takes a few vodkas, I don't have a few vodkas to spare, saving them for when SkankBomb hits town next Sat night)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Shout Outs

To the cop who pulled me over doing 127km in a 110km zone and downgraded me from a 3 point, $110 fine to a 124km/hr $80 fine turned caution (so I don't gots to pay). Thank you.

To Skaed who bought me the most kitch pink piggie that sings 'my girl' complete with croony head and body movements and that makes me laugh without fail. Thank you. (will take a piccie of Porker the pig on my days off to show his kitch cuteness).

To Smiley who came down to play and got me completely blotto (could have been my fault slightly also). Thank you.

To everyone who's put up with my complete drunken idiocy for the past two weeks. Your all nuts.
Thank you.